Kurulus Osman Episode112 Urdu


Kuruluş osman Episode 112 season 4 with Urdu subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode112 Urdu


Kurulus Osman Episode 112 with Urdu Subtitles release date

Kuruluş Osman Episode112 with Urdu Subtitles will be release on Wednesday date 11-01-2023 on ATV. and then we will try our best to Post in on out website TRTseries with English, Arabic and with Urdu subtitles. as we know that Kurulus Osman episode 111 ended with full of suspense. before you go to Kurulus Osman Episode 112, we will discuss about Episode 111.

Kuruluş Osman Episosde 111 Review

In Episode 111 of Kurulus osman, Osman bey Rescue Sultan masood from mangols nokar (army). and Then Osman Bey give him to Shiekh Adebala. Shiekh take him to his Sarayi (school) and give him a bed for rest. somehow the Sulthana khatun know that Sultan masood is in the place of Shiekh.

Osman bey take the Qilas (Forts) back

In another hand, Bala khatoona and Malhoon khatoon make a plane to take the stamp from Sulthana khatoon and hande over to Osman bey. they invite Sulthana khatoon in the fort and serve some food to her. bilgi khatoon put some poisons in the pot and when Sulthana khatoon drink with that pot then she become unconscious. then Bala khatoon and Malkhoon khatoon take out the stamp from the Sultana khatoon and sent it to Osman bey. Osman bey write a letter with the stamp and then go to the fort. Osman bey ask to Olof to leave the fort because the fort has been handed over to Osman bey. And Osman bey showup the letter with stamp and Olof leave the fort as well another forts.

Shiekh Adebala and Bala khatoon arrested by Sulthana khatoon

Somehow Sulthana khatoon know that Shiekh Adebala save Sulthaan masood and Bala khatoon took her stamp. Sulthana khatoon order to arrest bala and Sheikh. when Shiekh adebala and bala khatoon arrests then she order to hangover both. and that time Osmab bey return back to the fort and Sultana khatoon order to remove. Osman bey ask what remove? and the Episode 111 or Kurulus osman ends in this scene.

watch now Kurulus osman episode112 with Urdu subtitles


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