Kurulus Osman Episode 84 with Urdu Subtitles

Osman episode 84
Osman episode 84

Kurulus Osman Episode 84 with Urdu Subtitles Review:

In Kurulus Osman episode 84, Geyhatu is amped up for his tactical coming soon and says
he will accept obligation for all of Anatolia. Vizier says Mesud can achieve something,
but Geyhatu asks him not to push. Kurulus Osman episode 84 Meanwhile, a Mongolian official
says that they couldn’t kill Nikola. Geyhatu ends up being very angry with this news and says he
will start the attack. Geyhatu demands that Gunduz stick to their plan and send officers.
Osman examines the royal residences that the Mongols crushed beforehand
and says that Nikola should go with the Turks.

Julia Captured:

Kurulus Osman episode 84 Boran tells that Julia is near the tribe and can attack at whatever point.
Turks and Byzantine fighters begin to prepare together. Gunduz orders that the assembled obligation
be given to the Ahis. Konur meets with Osman and says that Geyhatu will attack the rebellious Turks.
Konur continues to talk and finds that Gunduz will send officers to Geyhatu. Osman says that now
Gunduz needs to pay for what he did.
Geyhatu sees a Mongolian shaman playing out a custom and kills him. Turgut starts to hold on in the
forest with the whole furnished force. Turgut finds that Geyhatu is in the forest with the Vizier
and delays his decision to attack. Cerkutay puts on the shamans dress and goes among the Mongolian fighters.
Cerkutay entreats with the contenders. Geyhatu shows up at this base in the forest area and says these
warriors are extraordinarily gifted. Geyhatu then, really investigates the dark powder inside the chests.
Malhun starts shopping with Aygul in Sogut.

Osman meet with Nikola:

In Kurulus Osman episode 84 Osman then, meet with Nikola and tells him that he will tell them that he
is his administration specialist while entering the royal residence. Cerkutay sabotages the horse
carriages at the military establishment. Nikola carries Osman into the royal residence and says he
wants to talk with the Emperor. Nikola tells that the clandestine usable he brought to the royal
residence knows essential things. Osman goes into the room and says he is Ertugrul Ghazi youngster.
Turgut and his officers assault the Mongols. Malhun goes to the woodland alone to trap Julia.
After Osman leaves the palace, Nikola observes him and says that the Emperor has acknowledged the arrangement.
Julia stops Malhun in the timberland and says she will kill her. Malhun says that Julia is caught
and the Turks stowing away in the timberland start to assault. Malhun gets Julia in a brief time
frame and takes her to the clan.

This man says he is from the Caucasus and is searching for Osman. Osman went with these individuals
to the shepherd’s tent. The vizier gathered Gunduz to the hotel and let him know that he would send Osman’s
military to Konya. Noble men go together to Sogut. Turgut and Malhun go to the tent where Osman is stowing away.
Abdal quickly attempted to recuperate Osman’s injury. Osman asks how Marie is and who hijacked her from the clan.

Gunduz catch Maria:

Turgut tells Osman that Gunduz caught Marie. Osman demands that Turgut be tranquil and says that accepting
central he will even rebuke his kin. Malhun says vizier will send Alps to Konya. Osman demands that
Malhun speak with the sheik and illuminate him concerning his game plan. Osman then, demands
that Abdal speak with Koses in regards to Marie.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Osman invited the safeguarded kids and their families to his tent.
Osman served the set up dishes to his guests and started eating with them. Ahmed started let Osman
in on what had happened at the house. Cherkutai banters with Aigul again and asks concerning why he
would prefer not to get hitched. Aigul says again that he would prefer not to be miserable,
but Cherkutai says that he will continue to keep things under control for him.

The sheik recognizes Osman’s game plan and speaks with the vizier. That evening, Abdal goes to the royal
residence and says that Marie is with Osman. Koses was incredibly bewildered by the current situation.
Abdal continued to talk and said that Nicholas hurt Marie. Koses is enraged with Nikola and says that he
will help Osman with getting back at him. Hearing the sheik’s hello, the vizier was outstandingly
happy and said he would go to the capacity.

  • Series Name: Kurulus Osman
  • Season: 3
  • Episode : Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 84
  • Language: Turkish (English & Urdu Subtitles)
  • Release Date: 03 -March -2022
  • ProductionTRT

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